Wednesday, September 19, 2012

living the busy life

Not only has work work been outrageously busy lately, but wedding planning is going into full swing! I'm headed home this weekend for a FULL itinerary of to-do's but since I'm taking the train right from the office tomorrow evening, I have to do all my preparation today and this evening. I'm headed to trapeze class tonight after work and hopefully I'll catch the return bar. Last week, as you can see in the video below, I tapped the bar for the first time! It was a very exciting milestone and I'm thoroughly enjoying the recent growths I've experienced on the rig.

When I get home around 8:30 tonight I'll throw some dinner together and get to packing my weekend bag. I've had a hard time trying to decide what I should wear. I want something simple that won't take up too much room in my suitcase. Especially on Saturday, when I am dress shopping in New York City, I want to look polished and presentable. The ensemble needs to be easy to put on and take off because I'll be visiting three bridal salons and trying on TONS of dresses. Plus, this outfit has to transition to a steak dinner that night! Not that I'm complaining, for I have been looking forward to wedding dress shopping in New York City since I was 15 when I went into NYC with my Mom during her fittings!

After packing my bag, I'll be painting my fingers and toes. On my fingers I'm planning to use a neutral nail polish, I've got a Deborah Lipmann pink-beige that will work great. I'm going to add a glitter accent on my ring finger as well! No harm in calling attention to my favorite finger and favorite accessory (my engagement ring!) while wedding planning :) Since my toenails haven't completely healed from my running regiment, I'm leaning towards Wicked by Essie.

Something tells me I won't be getting to sleep until after 11 o'clock tonight... Better put some eye cream on. No bride wants circles under her eyes!

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